If your child is ill or has an accident during the school day they will be checked by a member of staff who is trained in First Aid. We have staff in all areas of the school that are first aid and paediatric trained.
All incidents, including minor bumps, minor collisions or scrapes are logged via a system called Medical Tracker which if necessary sends you a notification by email.
If we feel urgent attention is required, or that your child would benefit from being at home we will contact you by telephone, therefore it is extremely important that your details are kept up to date and you inform the school office of any changes.
When available, St Ursula’s keeps a spare asthma reliever inhaler and adrenaline auto-injector for use in an emergency. We recognise that an asthma attack and an anaphylactic reaction can be life-threatening and that 86 per cent of children have been left without an inhaler after their own was lost, forgotten, broken or empty. These are not a substitute for sending your child’s own EpiPen or Inhaler to school, in fact your child may not be permitted to attend school without their emergency medication, but it is an extra layer of protection.
Prescription medication can only be administered in school when it would be detrimental to a child’s health or school attendance not to administer it. St Ursula's will only accept prescribed medicines if they are in-date, labelled, provided in the original container as dispensed by a pharmacist with clear instructions for administration, dosage and storage.
An individual healthcare plan might be appropriate if a medical condition:
- is long-term and complex;
- fluctuates;
- is a recurring condition; or
- there is a high risk that emergency intervention will be required.
Officially non-prescription medicines (such as Calpol, throat lozenges and over-the-counter hayfever medications) should not be brought into school or administered by school staff. This is partly because children who are unwell enough to need these medications during school hours are generally not well enough for school.
St Ursula's may, however, agree to give non-prescription medicines at their discretion and providing we have specific written permission from parents using our 3B Form.
Managing Medicines in School Policy
Form 3B Administering Medication